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package mem
import (
func TestVirtualMemoryEx(t *testing.T) {
v, err := VirtualMemoryEx()
if err != nil {
var virtualMemoryTests = []struct {
mockedRootFS string
stat *VirtualMemoryStat
{"intelcorei5", &VirtualMemoryStat{
Total: 16502300672,
Available: 11495358464,
Used: 3437277184,
UsedPercent: 20.82907863769651,
Free: 8783491072,
Active: 4347392000,
Inactive: 2938834944,
Wired: 0,
Laundry: 0,
Buffers: 212496384,
Cached: 4069036032,
Writeback: 0,
Dirty: 176128,
WritebackTmp: 0,
Shared: 1222402048,
Slab: 253771776,
SReclaimable: 186470400,
SUnreclaim: 67301376,
PageTables: 65241088,
SwapCached: 0,
CommitLimit: 16509730816,
CommittedAS: 12360818688,
HighTotal: 0,
HighFree: 0,
LowTotal: 0,
LowFree: 0,
SwapTotal: 8258580480,
SwapFree: 8258580480,
Mapped: 1172627456,
VMallocTotal: 35184372087808,
VMallocUsed: 0,
VMallocChunk: 0,
HugePagesTotal: 0,
HugePagesFree: 0,
HugePageSize: 2097152},
func TestVirtualMemoryLinux(t *testing.T) {
origProc := os.Getenv("HOST_PROC")
defer os.Setenv("HOST_PROC", origProc)
for _, tt := range virtualMemoryTests {
t.Run(tt.mockedRootFS, func(t *testing.T) {
os.Setenv("HOST_PROC", filepath.Join("testdata/linux/virtualmemory/", tt.mockedRootFS, "proc"))
stat, err := VirtualMemory()
skipIfNotImplementedErr(t, err)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error %v", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(stat, tt.stat) {
t.Errorf("got: %+v\nwant: %+v", stat, tt.stat)