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11 years ago
// +build windows
package cpu
11 years ago
import (
common ""
11 years ago
type Win32_Processor struct {
LoadPercentage uint16
Family uint16
Manufacturer string
Name string
NumberOfLogicalProcessors uint32
ProcessorId *string
Stepping *string
MaxClockSpeed uint32
// TODO: Get percpu
func CPUTimes(percpu bool) ([]CPUTimesStat, error) {
var ret []CPUTimesStat
11 years ago
var lpIdleTime common.FILETIME
var lpKernelTime common.FILETIME
var lpUserTime common.FILETIME
r, _, _ := common.ProcGetSystemTimes.Call(
if r == 0 {
return ret, syscall.GetLastError()
LOT := float64(0.0000001)
HIT := (LOT * 4294967296.0)
idle := ((HIT * float64(lpIdleTime.DwHighDateTime)) + (LOT * float64(lpIdleTime.DwLowDateTime)))
user := ((HIT * float64(lpUserTime.DwHighDateTime)) + (LOT * float64(lpUserTime.DwLowDateTime)))
kernel := ((HIT * float64(lpKernelTime.DwHighDateTime)) + (LOT * float64(lpKernelTime.DwLowDateTime)))
system := (kernel - idle)
ret = append(ret, CPUTimesStat{
Idle: float64(idle),
User: float64(user),
System: float64(system),
11 years ago
return ret, nil
func CPUInfo() ([]CPUInfoStat, error) {
var ret []CPUInfoStat
var dst []Win32_Processor
q := wmi.CreateQuery(&dst, "")
err := wmi.Query(q, &dst)
if err != nil {
return ret, err
var procID string
for i, l := range dst {
procID = ""
if l.ProcessorId != nil {
procID = *l.ProcessorId
cpu := CPUInfoStat{
CPU: int32(i),
Family: fmt.Sprintf("%d", l.Family),
VendorID: l.Manufacturer,
ModelName: l.Name,
Cores: int32(l.NumberOfLogicalProcessors),
PhysicalID: procID,
Mhz: float64(l.MaxClockSpeed),
Flags: []string{},
ret = append(ret, cpu)
return ret, nil
func CPUPercent(interval time.Duration, percpu bool) ([]float64, error) {
var ret []float64
var dst []Win32_Processor
q := wmi.CreateQuery(&dst, "")
err := wmi.Query(q, &dst)
if err != nil {
return ret, err
for _, l := range dst {
// use range but windows can only get one percent.
ret = append(ret, float64(l.LoadPercentage)/100.0)
return ret, nil