//go:build linux
// +build linux
package host
import (
type lsbStruct struct {
ID string
Release string
Codename string
Description string
host_linux: Skip everything that isn't a normal process.
host_darwin does the same filtering. Not doing this gives us some rather strange
entries that likely aren't what we want.
9 years ago
// from utmp.h
const (
user_PROCESS = 7
hostTemperatureScale = 1000.0
host_linux: Skip everything that isn't a normal process.
host_darwin does the same filtering. Not doing this gives us some rather strange
entries that likely aren't what we want.
9 years ago
func HostIDWithContext(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
sysProductUUID := common.HostSysWithContext(ctx, "class/dmi/id/product_uuid")
machineID := common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "machine-id")
procSysKernelRandomBootID := common.HostProcWithContext(ctx, "sys/kernel/random/boot_id")
switch {
// In order to read this file, needs to be supported by kernel/arch and run as root
// so having fallback is important
case common.PathExists(sysProductUUID):
lines, err := common.ReadLines(sysProductUUID)
if err == nil && len(lines) > 0 && lines[0] != "" {
return strings.ToLower(lines[0]), nil
// Fallback on GNU Linux systems with systemd, readable by everyone
Have a real fixed HostID on Linux
On Linux, most golang programs do not run as root (or at least, they should not),
by default, the kernels uses strict permissions, so most userland programs cannot
read `/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid`. However, programs such as Consul are relying
on it to get fixed IDs, instead they have a different ID on each boot.
We propose to use `/etc/machine-id` as fallback https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/machine-id.html
In order to fix this, this patch does the following:
- if `/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid` can be read, use it for HostID
- else if `/etc/machine-id` exists and has 32 chars, use it and add '-' to have the same format as product_uuid
- finally, if notthing works, use the `kernel.random.boot_id`
This will greatly increase the number of programs having correct behaviour when
those rely on having a fixed HostID.
This will fix the following issues:
- https://github.com/shirou/gopsutil/issues/350
- https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/4741
6 years ago
case common.PathExists(machineID):
lines, err := common.ReadLines(machineID)
if err == nil && len(lines) > 0 && len(lines[0]) == 32 {
st := lines[0]
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", st[0:8], st[8:12], st[12:16], st[16:20], st[20:32]), nil
Have a real fixed HostID on Linux
On Linux, most golang programs do not run as root (or at least, they should not),
by default, the kernels uses strict permissions, so most userland programs cannot
read `/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid`. However, programs such as Consul are relying
on it to get fixed IDs, instead they have a different ID on each boot.
We propose to use `/etc/machine-id` as fallback https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/machine-id.html
In order to fix this, this patch does the following:
- if `/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid` can be read, use it for HostID
- else if `/etc/machine-id` exists and has 32 chars, use it and add '-' to have the same format as product_uuid
- finally, if notthing works, use the `kernel.random.boot_id`
This will greatly increase the number of programs having correct behaviour when
those rely on having a fixed HostID.
This will fix the following issues:
- https://github.com/shirou/gopsutil/issues/350
- https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/4741
6 years ago
// Not stable between reboot, but better than nothing
lines, err := common.ReadLines(procSysKernelRandomBootID)
if err == nil && len(lines) > 0 && lines[0] != "" {
return strings.ToLower(lines[0]), nil
return "", nil
func numProcs(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error) {
return common.NumProcsWithContext(ctx)
func BootTimeWithContext(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error) {
return common.BootTimeWithContext(ctx)
func UptimeWithContext(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error) {
sysinfo := &unix.Sysinfo_t{}
if err := unix.Sysinfo(sysinfo); err != nil {
return 0, err
return uint64(sysinfo.Uptime), nil
func UsersWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]UserStat, error) {
utmpfile := common.HostVarWithContext(ctx, "run/utmp")
file, err := os.Open(utmpfile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
buf, err := io.ReadAll(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
count := len(buf) / sizeOfUtmp
ret := make([]UserStat, 0, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
b := buf[i*sizeOfUtmp : (i+1)*sizeOfUtmp]
var u utmp
br := bytes.NewReader(b)
err := binary.Read(br, binary.LittleEndian, &u)
if err != nil {
if u.Type != user_PROCESS {
host_linux: Skip everything that isn't a normal process.
host_darwin does the same filtering. Not doing this gives us some rather strange
entries that likely aren't what we want.
9 years ago
user := UserStat{
User: common.IntToString(u.User[:]),
Terminal: common.IntToString(u.Line[:]),
Host: common.IntToString(u.Host[:]),
Started: int(u.Tv.Sec),
ret = append(ret, user)
return ret, nil
func getlsbStruct(ctx context.Context) (*lsbStruct, error) {
ret := &lsbStruct{}
if common.PathExists(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "lsb-release")) {
contents, err := common.ReadLines(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "lsb-release"))
if err != nil {
return ret, err // return empty
for _, line := range contents {
field := strings.Split(line, "=")
if len(field) < 2 {
switch field[0] {
case "DISTRIB_ID":
ret.ID = strings.ReplaceAll(field[1], `"`, ``)
ret.Release = strings.ReplaceAll(field[1], `"`, ``)
ret.Codename = strings.ReplaceAll(field[1], `"`, ``)
ret.Description = strings.ReplaceAll(field[1], `"`, ``)
} else if common.PathExists("/usr/bin/lsb_release") {
out, err := invoke.Command("/usr/bin/lsb_release")
if err != nil {
return ret, err
for _, line := range strings.Split(string(out), "\n") {
field := strings.Split(line, ":")
if len(field) < 2 {
switch field[0] {
case "Distributor ID":
ret.ID = strings.ReplaceAll(field[1], `"`, ``)
case "Release":
ret.Release = strings.ReplaceAll(field[1], `"`, ``)
case "Codename":
ret.Codename = strings.ReplaceAll(field[1], `"`, ``)
case "Description":
ret.Description = strings.ReplaceAll(field[1], `"`, ``)
return ret, nil
func PlatformInformationWithContext(ctx context.Context) (platform string, family string, version string, err error) {
lsb, err := getlsbStruct(ctx)
if err != nil {
lsb = &lsbStruct{}
if common.PathExistsWithContents(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "oracle-release")) {
platform = "oracle"
contents, err := common.ReadLines(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "oracle-release"))
if err == nil {
version = getRedhatishVersion(contents)
} else if common.PathExistsWithContents(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "enterprise-release")) {
platform = "oracle"
contents, err := common.ReadLines(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "enterprise-release"))
if err == nil {
version = getRedhatishVersion(contents)
} else if common.PathExistsWithContents(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "slackware-version")) {
platform = "slackware"
contents, err := common.ReadLines(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "slackware-version"))
if err == nil {
version = getSlackwareVersion(contents)
} else if common.PathExistsWithContents(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "debian_version")) {
if lsb.ID == "Ubuntu" {
platform = "ubuntu"
version = lsb.Release
} else if lsb.ID == "LinuxMint" {
platform = "linuxmint"
version = lsb.Release
} else if lsb.ID == "Kylin" {
platform = "Kylin"
version = lsb.Release
} else if lsb.ID == `"Cumulus Linux"` {
platform = "cumuluslinux"
version = lsb.Release
} else {
if common.PathExistsWithContents("/usr/bin/raspi-config") {
platform = "raspbian"
} else {
platform = "debian"
contents, err := common.ReadLines(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "debian_version"))
if err == nil && len(contents) > 0 && contents[0] != "" {
version = contents[0]
} else if common.PathExists(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "neokylin-release")) {
contents, err := common.ReadLines(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "neokylin-release"))
if err == nil {
version = getRedhatishVersion(contents)
platform = getRedhatishPlatform(contents)
} else if common.PathExists(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "redhat-release")) {
contents, err := common.ReadLines(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "redhat-release"))
if err == nil {
version = getRedhatishVersion(contents)
platform = getRedhatishPlatform(contents)
} else if common.PathExists(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "system-release")) {
contents, err := common.ReadLines(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "system-release"))
if err == nil {
version = getRedhatishVersion(contents)
platform = getRedhatishPlatform(contents)
} else if common.PathExists(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "gentoo-release")) {
platform = "gentoo"
contents, err := common.ReadLines(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "gentoo-release"))
if err == nil {
version = getRedhatishVersion(contents)
} else if common.PathExists(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "SuSE-release")) {
contents, err := common.ReadLines(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "SuSE-release"))
if err == nil {
version = getSuseVersion(contents)
platform = getSusePlatform(contents)
// TODO: slackware detecion
} else if common.PathExists(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "arch-release")) {
platform = "arch"
version = lsb.Release
} else if common.PathExists(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "alpine-release")) {
platform = "alpine"
contents, err := common.ReadLines(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "alpine-release"))
if err == nil && len(contents) > 0 && contents[0] != "" {
version = contents[0]
} else if common.PathExists(common.HostEtcWithContext(ctx, "os-release")) {
p, v, err := common.GetOSReleaseWithContext(ctx)
if err == nil {
platform = p
version = v
} else if lsb.ID == "RedHat" {
platform = "redhat"
version = lsb.Release
} else if lsb.ID == "Amazon" {
platform = "amazon"
version = lsb.Release
} else if lsb.ID == "ScientificSL" {
platform = "scientific"
version = lsb.Release
} else if lsb.ID == "XenServer" {
platform = "xenserver"
version = lsb.Release
} else if lsb.ID != "" {
platform = strings.ToLower(lsb.ID)
version = lsb.Release
platform = strings.Trim(platform, `"`)
switch platform {
case "debian", "ubuntu", "linuxmint", "raspbian", "Kylin", "cumuluslinux":
family = "debian"
case "fedora":
family = "fedora"
case "oracle", "centos", "redhat", "scientific", "enterpriseenterprise", "amazon", "xenserver", "cloudlinux", "ibm_powerkvm", "rocky", "almalinux":
family = "rhel"
case "suse", "opensuse", "opensuse-leap", "opensuse-tumbleweed", "opensuse-tumbleweed-kubic", "sles", "sled", "caasp":
family = "suse"
case "gentoo":
family = "gentoo"
case "slackware":
family = "slackware"
case "arch":
family = "arch"
case "exherbo":
family = "exherbo"
case "alpine":
family = "alpine"
case "coreos":
family = "coreos"
case "solus":
family = "solus"
case "neokylin":
family = "neokylin"
return platform, family, version, nil
func KernelVersionWithContext(ctx context.Context) (version string, err error) {
var utsname unix.Utsname
err = unix.Uname(&utsname)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return unix.ByteSliceToString(utsname.Release[:]), nil
func getSlackwareVersion(contents []string) string {
c := strings.ToLower(strings.Join(contents, ""))
c = strings.Replace(c, "slackware ", "", 1)
return c
func getRedhatishVersion(contents []string) string {
c := strings.ToLower(strings.Join(contents, ""))
if strings.Contains(c, "rawhide") {
return "rawhide"
if matches := regexp.MustCompile(`release (\w[\d.]*)`).FindStringSubmatch(c); matches != nil {
return matches[1]
return ""
func getRedhatishPlatform(contents []string) string {
c := strings.ToLower(strings.Join(contents, ""))
if strings.Contains(c, "red hat") {
return "redhat"
f := strings.Split(c, " ")
return f[0]
func getSuseVersion(contents []string) string {
version := ""
for _, line := range contents {
if matches := regexp.MustCompile(`VERSION = ([\d.]+)`).FindStringSubmatch(line); matches != nil {
version = matches[1]
} else if matches := regexp.MustCompile(`PATCHLEVEL = ([\d]+)`).FindStringSubmatch(line); matches != nil {
version = version + "." + matches[1]
return version
func getSusePlatform(contents []string) string {
c := strings.ToLower(strings.Join(contents, ""))
if strings.Contains(c, "opensuse") {
return "opensuse"
return "suse"
func VirtualizationWithContext(ctx context.Context) (string, string, error) {
return common.VirtualizationWithContext(ctx)
func SensorsTemperaturesWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]TemperatureStat, error) {
var err error
var files []string
temperatures := make([]TemperatureStat, 0)
// Only the temp*_input file provides current temperature
// value in millidegree Celsius as reported by the temperature to the device:
// https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/hwmon/sysfs-interface
if files, err = filepath.Glob(common.HostSysWithContext(ctx, "/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input")); err != nil {
return temperatures, err
if len(files) == 0 {
// CentOS has an intermediate /device directory:
// https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/971
if files, err = filepath.Glob(common.HostSysWithContext(ctx, "/class/hwmon/hwmon*/device/temp*_input")); err != nil {
return temperatures, err
var warns Warnings
if len(files) == 0 { // handle distributions without hwmon, like raspbian #391, parse legacy thermal_zone files
files, err = filepath.Glob(common.HostSysWithContext(ctx, "/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/"))
if err != nil {
return temperatures, err
for _, file := range files {
// Get the name of the temperature you are reading
name, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(file, "type"))
if err != nil {
// Get the temperature reading
current, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(file, "temp"))
if err != nil {
temperature, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(string(current)), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
temperatures = append(temperatures, TemperatureStat{
SensorKey: strings.TrimSpace(string(name)),
Temperature: float64(temperature) / 1000.0,
return temperatures, warns.Reference()
temperatures = make([]TemperatureStat, 0, len(files))
// example directory
// device/ temp1_crit_alarm temp2_crit_alarm temp3_crit_alarm temp4_crit_alarm temp5_crit_alarm temp6_crit_alarm temp7_crit_alarm
// name temp1_input temp2_input temp3_input temp4_input temp5_input temp6_input temp7_input
// power/ temp1_label temp2_label temp3_label temp4_label temp5_label temp6_label temp7_label
// subsystem/ temp1_max temp2_max temp3_max temp4_max temp5_max temp6_max temp7_max
// temp1_crit temp2_crit temp3_crit temp4_crit temp5_crit temp6_crit temp7_crit uevent
for _, file := range files {
var raw []byte
var temperature float64
// Get the base directory location
directory := filepath.Dir(file)
// Get the base filename prefix like temp1
basename := strings.Split(filepath.Base(file), "_")[0]
// Get the base path like <dir>/temp1
basepath := filepath.Join(directory, basename)
// Get the label of the temperature you are reading
label := ""
if raw, _ = os.ReadFile(basepath + "_label"); len(raw) != 0 {
// Format the label from "Core 0" to "core_0"
label = strings.Join(strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(string(raw))), " "), "_")
// Get the name of the temperature you are reading
if raw, err = os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(directory, "name")); err != nil {
name := strings.TrimSpace(string(raw))
if label != "" {
name = name + "_" + label
// Get the temperature reading
if raw, err = os.ReadFile(file); err != nil {
if temperature, err = strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(string(raw)), 64); err != nil {
// Add discovered temperature sensor to the list
temperatures = append(temperatures, TemperatureStat{
SensorKey: name,
Temperature: temperature / hostTemperatureScale,
High: optionalValueReadFromFile(basepath+"_max") / hostTemperatureScale,
Critical: optionalValueReadFromFile(basepath+"_crit") / hostTemperatureScale,
return temperatures, warns.Reference()
func optionalValueReadFromFile(filename string) float64 {
var raw []byte
var err error
var value float64
// Check if file exists
if _, err := os.Stat(filename); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return 0
if raw, err = os.ReadFile(filename); err != nil {
return 0
if value, err = strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(string(raw)), 64); err != nil {
return 0
return value