@ -25,12 +25,15 @@ const (
var (
modpsapi = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("psapi.dll")
procGetProcessMemoryInfo = modpsapi.NewProc("GetProcessMemoryInfo")
modpsapi = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("psapi.dll")
procGetProcessMemoryInfo = modpsapi.NewProc("GetProcessMemoryInfo")
procGetProcessImageFileNameW = modpsapi.NewProc("GetProcessImageFileNameW")
advapi32 = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("advapi32.dll")
procLookupPrivilegeValue = advapi32.NewProc("LookupPrivilegeValueW")
procAdjustTokenPrivileges = advapi32.NewProc("AdjustTokenPrivileges")
procQueryFullProcessImageNameW = common.Modkernel32.NewProc("QueryFullProcessImageNameW")
type SystemProcessInformation struct {
@ -234,24 +237,31 @@ func (p *Process) Exe() (string, error) {
func (p *Process) ExeWithContext(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
if p.Pid != 0 { // 0 or null is the current process for CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
snap := w32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(w32.TH32CS_SNAPMODULE|w32.TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32, uint32(p.Pid))
if snap != 0 { // don't report errors here, fallback to WMI instead
defer w32.CloseHandle(snap)
var me32 w32.MODULEENTRY32
me32.Size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(me32))
if w32.Module32First(snap, &me32) {
szexepath := windows.UTF16ToString(me32.SzExePath[:])
return szexepath, nil
c, err := syscall.OpenProcess(0x1000, false, uint32(p.Pid))
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer syscall.CloseHandle(c)
buf := make([]uint16, syscall.MAX_LONG_PATH)
size := uint32(syscall.MAX_LONG_PATH)
if err := procQueryFullProcessImageNameW.Find(); err == nil { // Vista+
ret, _, err := procQueryFullProcessImageNameW.Call(
if ret == 0 {
return "", err
return windows.UTF16ToString(buf[:]), nil
dst, err := GetWin32ProcWithContext(ctx, p.Pid)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not get ExecutablePath: %s", err)
// XP fallback
ret, _, err := procGetProcessImageFileNameW.Call(uintptr(c), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), uintptr(size))
if ret == 0 {
return "", err
return *dst[0].ExecutablePath, nil
return common.ConvertDOSPath(windows.UTF16ToString(buf[:])), nil
func (p *Process) Cmdline() (string, error) {