@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ build_test: ## test only buildable
GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=arm64 go test ./... | $(BUILD_FAIL_PATTERN)
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin go test ./... | $(BUILD_FAIL_PATTERN)
GOOS=windows go test ./... | $(BUILD_FAIL_PATTERN)
# Operating systems supported for building only (not implemented error if used)
# The following operating systems are tested only for successful builds.
# Value testing is not performed.
GOOS=solaris go test ./... | $(BUILD_FAIL_PATTERN)
GOOS=dragonfly go test ./... | $(BUILD_FAIL_PATTERN)
GOOS=netbsd go test ./... | $(BUILD_FAIL_PATTERN)
# cross build to OpenBSD not worked since process has "C"
# GOOS=openbsd go test ./... | $(BUILD_FAIL_PATTERN)
GOOS=openbsd go test ./... | $(BUILD_FAIL_PATTERN)
GOOS=plan9 go test ./... | $(BUILD_FAIL_PATTERN)
ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin)