@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ gopsutil: psutil for golang
.. image:: https://drone.io/github.com/shirou/gopsutil/status.png
:target: https://drone.io/github.com/shirou/gopsutil
This is a port of psutil(http://pythonhosted.org/psutil/). This
challenges porting all psutil functions on some architectures.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Available archtectures
All works are implemented without cgo by porting c struct to golang struct.
@ -71,6 +71,21 @@ Current Status
- users (linux, freebsd)
- pids (linux, freebsd)
- pid_exists (linux, freebsd)
- Process class
- pid (linux, freebsd, windows)
- ppid (linux)
- name (linux)
- cmdline (linux)
- create_time (linux)
- status (linux)
- exe (freebsd)
- uids (linux)
- gids (linux)
- terminal (linux)
- nice (linux)
- num_fds (linux)
- cpu_times (linux)
- not yet
@ -81,11 +96,40 @@ Current Status
- net_connections
- Process class
- parent
- cwd
- username
- ionice
- rlimit
- io_counters
- num_ctx_switches
- num_handlers
- threads
- cpu_percent
- cpu_affinity
- memory_info
- memory_info_ex
- memory_percent
- memory_maps
- children
- open_files
- connections
- is_running
- future work
- process_iter
- wait_procs
- Process class
- as_dict
- send_signal()
- suspend()
- resume()
- terminate()
- kill()
- wait