@ -14,27 +14,22 @@ This is a port of psutil (http://pythonhosted.org/psutil/). The challenge is por
psutil functions on some architectures.
..highlights:: Breaking Changes!
Breaking Changes! golang 1.8 is required
Breaking changes is introduced at v2. See `issue 174 <https://github.com/shirou/gopsutil/issues/174>`_ .
Migrating to v2
On gopsutil itself, `v2migration.sh <https://github.com/shirou/gopsutil/blob/v2/v2migration.sh>`_ is used for migration. It can not be commonly used, but it may help you with migration.
After v2.17.04, golang 1.8 is required to build.
Tag semantics
gopsutil tag policy is almost same as Semantic Versioning, but automatically increase like Ubuntu versioning.
for example, `v2.16.10` means
for example, `v2.17.04` means
- v2: major version
- 16: release year, 2016
- 10: release month
- 17: release year, 2017
- 04: release month
gopsutil aims to keep backwards-compatiblity until major version change.