@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ type TimesStat struct {
Steal float64 `json:"steal"`
Guest float64 `json:"guest"`
GuestNice float64 `json:"guestNice"`
Stolen float64 `json:"stolen"`
type InfoStat struct {
@ -80,7 +79,6 @@ func (c TimesStat) String() string {
`"steal":` + strconv.FormatFloat(c.Steal, 'f', 1, 64),
`"guest":` + strconv.FormatFloat(c.Guest, 'f', 1, 64),
`"guestNice":` + strconv.FormatFloat(c.GuestNice, 'f', 1, 64),
`"stolen":` + strconv.FormatFloat(c.Stolen, 'f', 1, 64),
return `{` + strings.Join(v, ",") + `}`
@ -89,7 +87,7 @@ func (c TimesStat) String() string {
// Total returns the total number of seconds in a CPUTimesStat
func (c TimesStat) Total() float64 {
total := c.User + c.System + c.Nice + c.Iowait + c.Irq + c.Softirq + c.Steal +
c.Guest + c.GuestNice + c.Idle + c.Stolen
c.Guest + c.GuestNice + c.Idle
return total
@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ func (c InfoStat) String() string {
func getAllBusy(t TimesStat) (float64, float64) {
busy := t.User + t.System + t.Nice + t.Iowait + t.Irq +
t.Softirq + t.Steal + t.Guest + t.GuestNice + t.Stolen
t.Softirq + t.Steal + t.Guest + t.GuestNice
return busy + t.Idle, busy