Before change:
$ GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=386 go build ./process
process\process_freebsd.go:118:26: cannot use k.Start.Sec * 1000 + k.Start.Usec / 1000 (type int32) as type int64 in return argument
Removes need for redundant ParentWithContext implementations. It had led
to it being unsupported on FreeBSD and OpenBSD even though
PpidWithContext was available for them, and different implementations
for getting the parent info used in ParentWithContext and
PpidWithContext on Darwin and Linux.
If pgrep returns error, `CallPgrepWithContext` always returns empty pids. So this Children always returns ErrorNoChildren. This PR fixes that handling.
other OSs), and fails consistently if run with `go test -times=N`
On inspection, Go closes TCP connections when they go out of scope and
are garbage collected. I've re-written Test_Connections() to explicitly
close connectections once the test has finished. This has the other
benefit of closing gracefully, which means the -times argument should
I've also removed the t.Skip() calls inside goroutines as they are
PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION was used for compatibility reasons with
Windows XP / Server 2003. Both are no longer supported in Golang
and haven't been for a while (since Go 1.11). It should be safe
to drop this flag. PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION supports
PPL process such as LSASS, which are not queryable without this
Since Darwin / FreeBSD / OpenBSD all use process_bsd.go, remove
the duplicated "not implemented" EnvironWithContext definitions
from their custom go files.
Signed-off-by: Max Altgelt <>
Add support (for Linux and Windows for now) for reading the
environment variables of a process, with a similar syntax to
For Windows, this includes some refactoring for clean access to the
RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS structure which points to the command
line and the environment variables.