manual available memory calculation should be done if only memavail is false
Manual Available Memory calculation under kernel 3.14
accurate manaul available memory calculation
This method only lets a 32bit program get other 32bit processes exe path
and a 64bit program get other 64bit processes exe path, so we fallback to
the slow (but kind of reliable) WMI calls if we can't access to the other
process module.
The CreateToolhelp32Snapshot+Process32First+Process32Next combo already
iterates over all processes, so it would be inefficient to enumerate all
processes with process.Processes() and then calling p.Ppid() on each of
them: we just use this combo to get all processes and their ppid in a
single iteration.
This is faster by a factor of 25 compared to the previous WMI call.
On Linux, most golang programs do not run as root (or at least, they should not),
by default, the kernels uses strict permissions, so most userland programs cannot
read `/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid`. However, programs such as Consul are relying
on it to get fixed IDs, instead they have a different ID on each boot.
We propose to use `/etc/machine-id` as fallback
In order to fix this, this patch does the following:
- if `/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid` can be read, use it for HostID
- else if `/etc/machine-id` exists and has 32 chars, use it and add '-' to have the same format as product_uuid
- finally, if notthing works, use the `kernel.random.boot_id`
This will greatly increase the number of programs having correct behaviour when
those rely on having a fixed HostID.
This will fix the following issues:
Fix #551 Filter out '_Total' results from PerfInfoWithContext and unexport this function.
Also propagate context in perCPUTimes (renamed to perCPUTimesWithContext) and unexport Win32_PerfFormattedData_Counters_ProcessorInformation type.