// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause package net import ( "context" "encoding/json" "net" "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v4/internal/common" ) var invoke common.Invoker = common.Invoke{} type IOCountersStat struct { Name string `json:"name"` // interface name BytesSent uint64 `json:"bytesSent"` // number of bytes sent BytesRecv uint64 `json:"bytesRecv"` // number of bytes received PacketsSent uint64 `json:"packetsSent"` // number of packets sent PacketsRecv uint64 `json:"packetsRecv"` // number of packets received Errin uint64 `json:"errin"` // total number of errors while receiving Errout uint64 `json:"errout"` // total number of errors while sending Dropin uint64 `json:"dropin"` // total number of incoming packets which were dropped Dropout uint64 `json:"dropout"` // total number of outgoing packets which were dropped (always 0 on OSX and BSD) Fifoin uint64 `json:"fifoin"` // total number of FIFO buffers errors while receiving Fifoout uint64 `json:"fifoout"` // total number of FIFO buffers errors while sending } // Addr is implemented compatibility to psutil type Addr struct { IP string `json:"ip"` Port uint32 `json:"port"` } type ConnectionStat struct { Fd uint32 `json:"fd"` Family uint32 `json:"family"` Type uint32 `json:"type"` Laddr Addr `json:"localaddr"` Raddr Addr `json:"remoteaddr"` Status string `json:"status"` Uids []int32 `json:"uids"` Pid int32 `json:"pid"` } // System wide stats about different network protocols type ProtoCountersStat struct { Protocol string `json:"protocol"` Stats map[string]int64 `json:"stats"` } // NetInterfaceAddr is designed for represent interface addresses type InterfaceAddr struct { Addr string `json:"addr"` } // InterfaceAddrList is a list of InterfaceAddr type InterfaceAddrList []InterfaceAddr type InterfaceStat struct { Index int `json:"index"` MTU int `json:"mtu"` // maximum transmission unit Name string `json:"name"` // e.g., "en0", "lo0", "eth0.100" HardwareAddr string `json:"hardwareAddr"` // IEEE MAC-48, EUI-48 and EUI-64 form Flags []string `json:"flags"` // e.g., FlagUp, FlagLoopback, FlagMulticast Addrs InterfaceAddrList `json:"addrs"` } // InterfaceStatList is a list of InterfaceStat type InterfaceStatList []InterfaceStat type FilterStat struct { ConnTrackCount int64 `json:"connTrackCount"` ConnTrackMax int64 `json:"connTrackMax"` } // ConntrackStat has conntrack summary info type ConntrackStat struct { Entries uint32 `json:"entries"` // Number of entries in the conntrack table Searched uint32 `json:"searched"` // Number of conntrack table lookups performed Found uint32 `json:"found"` // Number of searched entries which were successful New uint32 `json:"new"` // Number of entries added which were not expected before Invalid uint32 `json:"invalid"` // Number of packets seen which can not be tracked Ignore uint32 `json:"ignore"` // Packets seen which are already connected to an entry Delete uint32 `json:"delete"` // Number of entries which were removed DeleteList uint32 `json:"deleteList"` // Number of entries which were put to dying list Insert uint32 `json:"insert"` // Number of entries inserted into the list InsertFailed uint32 `json:"insertFailed"` // # insertion attempted but failed (same entry exists) Drop uint32 `json:"drop"` // Number of packets dropped due to conntrack failure. EarlyDrop uint32 `json:"earlyDrop"` // Dropped entries to make room for new ones, if maxsize reached IcmpError uint32 `json:"icmpError"` // Subset of invalid. Packets that can't be tracked d/t error ExpectNew uint32 `json:"expectNew"` // Entries added after an expectation was already present ExpectCreate uint32 `json:"expectCreate"` // Expectations added ExpectDelete uint32 `json:"expectDelete"` // Expectations deleted SearchRestart uint32 `json:"searchRestart"` // Conntrack table lookups restarted due to hashtable resizes } func NewConntrackStat(e uint32, s uint32, f uint32, n uint32, inv uint32, ign uint32, del uint32, dlst uint32, ins uint32, insfail uint32, drop uint32, edrop uint32, ie uint32, en uint32, ec uint32, ed uint32, sr uint32) *ConntrackStat { return &ConntrackStat{ Entries: e, Searched: s, Found: f, New: n, Invalid: inv, Ignore: ign, Delete: del, DeleteList: dlst, Insert: ins, InsertFailed: insfail, Drop: drop, EarlyDrop: edrop, IcmpError: ie, ExpectNew: en, ExpectCreate: ec, ExpectDelete: ed, SearchRestart: sr, } } type ConntrackStatList struct { items []*ConntrackStat } func NewConntrackStatList() *ConntrackStatList { return &ConntrackStatList{ items: []*ConntrackStat{}, } } func (l *ConntrackStatList) Append(c *ConntrackStat) { l.items = append(l.items, c) } func (l *ConntrackStatList) Items() []ConntrackStat { items := make([]ConntrackStat, len(l.items)) for i, el := range l.items { items[i] = *el } return items } // Summary returns a single-element list with totals from all list items. func (l *ConntrackStatList) Summary() []ConntrackStat { summary := NewConntrackStat(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) for _, cs := range l.items { summary.Entries += cs.Entries summary.Searched += cs.Searched summary.Found += cs.Found summary.New += cs.New summary.Invalid += cs.Invalid summary.Ignore += cs.Ignore summary.Delete += cs.Delete summary.DeleteList += cs.DeleteList summary.Insert += cs.Insert summary.InsertFailed += cs.InsertFailed summary.Drop += cs.Drop summary.EarlyDrop += cs.EarlyDrop summary.IcmpError += cs.IcmpError summary.ExpectNew += cs.ExpectNew summary.ExpectCreate += cs.ExpectCreate summary.ExpectDelete += cs.ExpectDelete summary.SearchRestart += cs.SearchRestart } return []ConntrackStat{*summary} } func (n IOCountersStat) String() string { s, _ := json.Marshal(n) return string(s) } func (n ConnectionStat) String() string { s, _ := json.Marshal(n) return string(s) } func (n ProtoCountersStat) String() string { s, _ := json.Marshal(n) return string(s) } func (a Addr) String() string { s, _ := json.Marshal(a) return string(s) } func (n InterfaceStat) String() string { s, _ := json.Marshal(n) return string(s) } func (l InterfaceStatList) String() string { s, _ := json.Marshal(l) return string(s) } func (n InterfaceAddr) String() string { s, _ := json.Marshal(n) return string(s) } func (n ConntrackStat) String() string { s, _ := json.Marshal(n) return string(s) } func Interfaces() (InterfaceStatList, error) { return InterfacesWithContext(context.Background()) } func InterfacesWithContext(ctx context.Context) (InterfaceStatList, error) { is, err := net.Interfaces() if err != nil { return nil, err } ret := make(InterfaceStatList, 0, len(is)) for _, ifi := range is { var flags []string if ifi.Flags&net.FlagUp != 0 { flags = append(flags, "up") } if ifi.Flags&net.FlagBroadcast != 0 { flags = append(flags, "broadcast") } if ifi.Flags&net.FlagLoopback != 0 { flags = append(flags, "loopback") } if ifi.Flags&net.FlagPointToPoint != 0 { flags = append(flags, "pointtopoint") } if ifi.Flags&net.FlagMulticast != 0 { flags = append(flags, "multicast") } r := InterfaceStat{ Index: ifi.Index, Name: ifi.Name, MTU: ifi.MTU, HardwareAddr: ifi.HardwareAddr.String(), Flags: flags, } addrs, err := ifi.Addrs() if err == nil { r.Addrs = make(InterfaceAddrList, 0, len(addrs)) for _, addr := range addrs { r.Addrs = append(r.Addrs, InterfaceAddr{ Addr: addr.String(), }) } } ret = append(ret, r) } return ret, nil } func getIOCountersAll(n []IOCountersStat) []IOCountersStat { r := IOCountersStat{ Name: "all", } for _, nic := range n { r.BytesRecv += nic.BytesRecv r.PacketsRecv += nic.PacketsRecv r.Errin += nic.Errin r.Dropin += nic.Dropin r.BytesSent += nic.BytesSent r.PacketsSent += nic.PacketsSent r.Errout += nic.Errout r.Dropout += nic.Dropout } return []IOCountersStat{r} } // NetIOCounters returns network I/O statistics for every network // interface installed on the system. If pernic argument is false, // return only sum of all information (which name is 'all'). If true, // every network interface installed on the system is returned // separately. func IOCounters(pernic bool) ([]IOCountersStat, error) { return IOCountersWithContext(context.Background(), pernic) } func IOCountersByFile(pernic bool, filename string) ([]IOCountersStat, error) { return IOCountersByFileWithContext(context.Background(), pernic, filename) } // ProtoCounters returns network statistics for the entire system // If protocols is empty then all protocols are returned, otherwise // just the protocols in the list are returned. // Available protocols: // [ip,icmp,icmpmsg,tcp,udp,udplite] // Not Implemented for FreeBSD, Windows, OpenBSD, Darwin func ProtoCounters(protocols []string) ([]ProtoCountersStat, error) { return ProtoCountersWithContext(context.Background(), protocols) } // NetFilterCounters returns iptables conntrack statistics // the currently in use conntrack count and the max. // If the file does not exist or is invalid it will return nil. func FilterCounters() ([]FilterStat, error) { return FilterCountersWithContext(context.Background()) } // ConntrackStats returns more detailed info about the conntrack table func ConntrackStats(percpu bool) ([]ConntrackStat, error) { return ConntrackStatsWithContext(context.Background(), percpu) } // Return a list of network connections opened. func Connections(kind string) ([]ConnectionStat, error) { return ConnectionsWithContext(context.Background(), kind) } // Return a list of network connections opened returning at most `max` // connections for each running process. func ConnectionsMax(kind string, maxConn int) ([]ConnectionStat, error) { return ConnectionsMaxWithContext(context.Background(), kind, maxConn) } // Return a list of network connections opened, omitting `Uids`. // WithoutUids functions are reliant on implementation details. They may be altered to be an alias for Connections or be // removed from the API in the future. func ConnectionsWithoutUids(kind string) ([]ConnectionStat, error) { return ConnectionsWithoutUidsWithContext(context.Background(), kind) } // Return a list of network connections opened by a process. func ConnectionsPid(kind string, pid int32) ([]ConnectionStat, error) { return ConnectionsPidWithContext(context.Background(), kind, pid) } // Return a list of network connections opened, omitting `Uids`. // WithoutUids functions are reliant on implementation details. They may be altered to be an alias for Connections or be // removed from the API in the future. func ConnectionsPidWithoutUids(kind string, pid int32) ([]ConnectionStat, error) { return ConnectionsPidWithoutUidsWithContext(context.Background(), kind, pid) } func ConnectionsPidMaxWithoutUids(kind string, pid int32, maxConn int) ([]ConnectionStat, error) { return ConnectionsPidMaxWithoutUidsWithContext(context.Background(), kind, pid, maxConn) } // Return up to `max` network connections opened by a process. func ConnectionsPidMax(kind string, pid int32, maxConn int) ([]ConnectionStat, error) { return ConnectionsPidMaxWithContext(context.Background(), kind, pid, maxConn) } // Pids retunres all pids. // Note: this is a copy of process_linux.Pids() // FIXME: Import process occures import cycle. // move to common made other platform breaking. Need consider. func Pids() ([]int32, error) { return PidsWithContext(context.Background()) }