// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause //go:build openbsd package net import ( "context" "fmt" "os/exec" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v4/internal/common" ) var portMatch = regexp.MustCompile(`(.*)\.(\d+)$`) func ParseNetstat(output string, mode string, iocs map[string]IOCountersStat, ) error { lines := strings.Split(output, "\n") exists := make([]string, 0, len(lines)-1) columns := 9 if mode == "inb" { columns = 6 } for _, line := range lines { values := strings.Fields(line) if len(values) < 1 || values[0] == "Name" { continue } if common.StringsHas(exists, values[0]) { // skip if already get continue } if len(values) < columns { continue } base := 1 // sometimes Address is omitted if len(values) < columns { base = 0 } parsed := make([]uint64, 0, 8) var vv []string switch mode { case "inb": vv = []string{ values[base+3], // BytesRecv values[base+4], // BytesSent } case "ind": vv = []string{ values[base+3], // Ipkts values[base+4], // Idrop values[base+5], // Opkts values[base+6], // Odrops } case "ine": vv = []string{ values[base+4], // Ierrs values[base+6], // Oerrs } } for _, target := range vv { if target == "-" { parsed = append(parsed, 0) continue } t, err := strconv.ParseUint(target, 10, 64) if err != nil { return err } parsed = append(parsed, t) } exists = append(exists, values[0]) n, present := iocs[values[0]] if !present { n = IOCountersStat{Name: values[0]} } switch mode { case "inb": n.BytesRecv = parsed[0] n.BytesSent = parsed[1] case "ind": n.PacketsRecv = parsed[0] n.Dropin = parsed[1] n.PacketsSent = parsed[2] n.Dropout = parsed[3] case "ine": n.Errin = parsed[0] n.Errout = parsed[1] } iocs[n.Name] = n } return nil } func IOCounters(pernic bool) ([]IOCountersStat, error) { return IOCountersWithContext(context.Background(), pernic) } func IOCountersWithContext(ctx context.Context, pernic bool) ([]IOCountersStat, error) { netstat, err := exec.LookPath("netstat") if err != nil { return nil, err } out, err := invoke.CommandWithContext(ctx, netstat, "-inb") if err != nil { return nil, err } out2, err := invoke.CommandWithContext(ctx, netstat, "-ind") if err != nil { return nil, err } out3, err := invoke.CommandWithContext(ctx, netstat, "-ine") if err != nil { return nil, err } iocs := make(map[string]IOCountersStat) lines := strings.Split(string(out), "\n") ret := make([]IOCountersStat, 0, len(lines)-1) err = ParseNetstat(string(out), "inb", iocs) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = ParseNetstat(string(out2), "ind", iocs) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = ParseNetstat(string(out3), "ine", iocs) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, ioc := range iocs { ret = append(ret, ioc) } if pernic == false { return getIOCountersAll(ret) } return ret, nil } // IOCountersByFile exists just for compatibility with Linux. func IOCountersByFile(pernic bool, filename string) ([]IOCountersStat, error) { return IOCountersByFileWithContext(context.Background(), pernic, filename) } func IOCountersByFileWithContext(ctx context.Context, pernic bool, filename string) ([]IOCountersStat, error) { return IOCounters(pernic) } func FilterCounters() ([]FilterStat, error) { return FilterCountersWithContext(context.Background()) } func FilterCountersWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]FilterStat, error) { return nil, common.ErrNotImplementedError } func ConntrackStats(percpu bool) ([]ConntrackStat, error) { return ConntrackStatsWithContext(context.Background(), percpu) } func ConntrackStatsWithContext(ctx context.Context, percpu bool) ([]ConntrackStat, error) { return nil, common.ErrNotImplementedError } // ProtoCounters returns network statistics for the entire system // If protocols is empty then all protocols are returned, otherwise // just the protocols in the list are returned. // Not Implemented for OpenBSD func ProtoCounters(protocols []string) ([]ProtoCountersStat, error) { return ProtoCountersWithContext(context.Background(), protocols) } func ProtoCountersWithContext(ctx context.Context, protocols []string) ([]ProtoCountersStat, error) { return nil, common.ErrNotImplementedError } func parseNetstatLine(line string) (ConnectionStat, error) { f := strings.Fields(line) if len(f) < 5 { return ConnectionStat{}, fmt.Errorf("wrong line,%s", line) } var netType, netFamily uint32 switch f[0] { case "tcp": netType = syscall.SOCK_STREAM netFamily = syscall.AF_INET case "udp": netType = syscall.SOCK_DGRAM netFamily = syscall.AF_INET case "tcp6": netType = syscall.SOCK_STREAM netFamily = syscall.AF_INET6 case "udp6": netType = syscall.SOCK_DGRAM netFamily = syscall.AF_INET6 default: return ConnectionStat{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown type, %s", f[0]) } laddr, raddr, err := parseNetstatAddr(f[3], f[4], netFamily) if err != nil { return ConnectionStat{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse netaddr, %s %s", f[3], f[4]) } n := ConnectionStat{ Fd: uint32(0), // not supported Family: uint32(netFamily), Type: uint32(netType), Laddr: laddr, Raddr: raddr, Pid: int32(0), // not supported } if len(f) == 6 { n.Status = f[5] } return n, nil } func parseNetstatAddr(local string, remote string, family uint32) (laddr Addr, raddr Addr, err error) { parse := func(l string) (Addr, error) { matches := portMatch.FindStringSubmatch(l) if matches == nil { return Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("wrong addr, %s", l) } host := matches[1] port := matches[2] if host == "*" { switch family { case syscall.AF_INET: host = "" case syscall.AF_INET6: host = "::" default: return Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown family, %d", family) } } lport, err := strconv.Atoi(port) if err != nil { return Addr{}, err } return Addr{IP: host, Port: uint32(lport)}, nil } laddr, err = parse(local) if remote != "*.*" { // remote addr exists raddr, err = parse(remote) if err != nil { return laddr, raddr, err } } return laddr, raddr, err } // Return a list of network connections opened. func Connections(kind string) ([]ConnectionStat, error) { return ConnectionsWithContext(context.Background(), kind) } func ConnectionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, kind string) ([]ConnectionStat, error) { var ret []ConnectionStat args := []string{"-na"} switch strings.ToLower(kind) { default: fallthrough case "": fallthrough case "all": fallthrough case "inet": // nothing to add case "inet4": args = append(args, "-finet") case "inet6": args = append(args, "-finet6") case "tcp": args = append(args, "-ptcp") case "tcp4": args = append(args, "-ptcp", "-finet") case "tcp6": args = append(args, "-ptcp", "-finet6") case "udp": args = append(args, "-pudp") case "udp4": args = append(args, "-pudp", "-finet") case "udp6": args = append(args, "-pudp", "-finet6") case "unix": return ret, common.ErrNotImplementedError } netstat, err := exec.LookPath("netstat") if err != nil { return nil, err } out, err := invoke.CommandWithContext(ctx, netstat, args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } lines := strings.Split(string(out), "\n") for _, line := range lines { if !(strings.HasPrefix(line, "tcp") || strings.HasPrefix(line, "udp")) { continue } n, err := parseNetstatLine(line) if err != nil { continue } ret = append(ret, n) } return ret, nil }