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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
//go:build darwin
package mem
import (
func getHwMemsize() (uint64, error) {
total, err := unix.SysctlUint64("hw.memsize")
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return total, nil
// xsw_usage in sys/sysctl.h
type swapUsage struct {
Total uint64
Avail uint64
Used uint64
Pagesize int32
Encrypted bool
// SwapMemory returns swapinfo.
func SwapMemory() (*SwapMemoryStat, error) {
return SwapMemoryWithContext(context.Background())
func SwapMemoryWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*SwapMemoryStat, error) {
var ret *SwapMemoryStat
value, err := unix.SysctlRaw("vm.swapusage")
if err != nil {
return ret, err
if len(value) != 32 {
return ret, fmt.Errorf("unexpected output of sysctl vm.swapusage: %v (len: %d)", value, len(value))
swap := (*swapUsage)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0]))
u := float64(0)
if swap.Total != 0 {
u = ((float64(swap.Total) - float64(swap.Avail)) / float64(swap.Total)) * 100.0
ret = &SwapMemoryStat{
Total: swap.Total,
Used: swap.Used,
Free: swap.Avail,
UsedPercent: u,
return ret, nil
func SwapDevices() ([]*SwapDevice, error) {
return SwapDevicesWithContext(context.Background())
func SwapDevicesWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]*SwapDevice, error) {
return nil, common.ErrNotImplementedError
type vmStatisticsData struct {
freeCount uint32
activeCount uint32
inactiveCount uint32
wireCount uint32
_ [44]byte // Not used here
// VirtualMemory returns VirtualmemoryStat.
func VirtualMemory() (*VirtualMemoryStat, error) {
return VirtualMemoryWithContext(context.Background())
func VirtualMemoryWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*VirtualMemoryStat, error) {
machLib, err := common.NewLibrary(common.System)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer machLib.Close()
hostStatistics := common.GetFunc[common.HostStatisticsFunc](machLib, common.HostStatisticsSym)
machHostSelf := common.GetFunc[common.MachHostSelfFunc](machLib, common.MachHostSelfSym)
count := uint32(common.HOST_VM_INFO_COUNT)
var vmstat vmStatisticsData
status := hostStatistics(machHostSelf(), common.HOST_VM_INFO,
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&vmstat)), &count)
if status != common.KERN_SUCCESS {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("host_statistics error=%d", status)
pageSizeAddr, _ := machLib.Dlsym("vm_kernel_page_size")
pageSize := **(**uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&pageSizeAddr))
total, err := getHwMemsize()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
totalCount := uint32(total / pageSize)
availableCount := vmstat.inactiveCount + vmstat.freeCount
usedPercent := 100 * float64(totalCount-availableCount) / float64(totalCount)
usedCount := totalCount - availableCount
return &VirtualMemoryStat{
Total: total,
Available: pageSize * uint64(availableCount),
Used: pageSize * uint64(usedCount),
UsedPercent: usedPercent,
Free: pageSize * uint64(vmstat.freeCount),
Active: pageSize * uint64(vmstat.activeCount),
Inactive: pageSize * uint64(vmstat.inactiveCount),
Wired: pageSize * uint64(vmstat.wireCount),
}, nil