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// +build windows
package gopsutil
import (
var (
procGetSystemTimeAsFileTime = modKernel32.NewProc("GetSystemTimeAsFileTime")
procGetTickCount = modKernel32.NewProc("GetTickCount")
func HostInfo() (HostInfoStat, error) {
ret := HostInfoStat{}
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return ret, err
ret.Hostname = hostname
kernel32, err := syscall.LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll")
if err != nil {
return ret, err
defer syscall.FreeLibrary(kernel32)
GetTickCount, _ := syscall.GetProcAddress(kernel32, "GetTickCount")
uptimemsec, _, err := syscall.Syscall(uintptr(GetTickCount), 0, 0, 0, 0)
ret.Uptime = int64(uptimemsec) / 1000
procs, err := ps.Processes()
if err != nil {
return ret, err
ret.Procs = uint64(len(procs))
return ret, nil
func Boot_time() (int64, error) {
var lpSystemTimeAsFileTime FILETIME
r, _, _ := procGetSystemTimeAsFileTime.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&lpSystemTimeAsFileTime)))
if r == 0 {
return 0, syscall.GetLastError()
// TODO: This calc is wrong.
ll := (uint32(lpSystemTimeAsFileTime.DwHighDateTime))<<32 + lpSystemTimeAsFileTime.DwLowDateTime
pt := (uint64(ll) - 116444736000000000) / 10000000
u, _, _ := procGetTickCount.Call()
if u == 0 {
return 0, syscall.GetLastError()
uptime := uint64(u) / 1000
return int64(pt - uptime), nil
func Users() ([]UserStat, error) {
ret := make([]UserStat, 0)
return ret, nil