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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
//go:build freebsd || linux || darwin
package disk
import (
func UsageWithContext(ctx context.Context, path string) (*UsageStat, error) {
stat := unix.Statfs_t{}
err := unix.Statfs(path, &stat)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bsize := stat.Bsize
ret := &UsageStat{
Path: unescapeFstab(path),
Fstype: getFsType(stat),
Total: (uint64(stat.Blocks) * uint64(bsize)),
Free: (uint64(stat.Bavail) * uint64(bsize)),
InodesTotal: (uint64(stat.Files)),
InodesFree: (uint64(stat.Ffree)),
ret.Used = (uint64(stat.Blocks) - uint64(stat.Bfree)) * uint64(bsize)
if (ret.Used + ret.Free) == 0 {
ret.UsedPercent = 0
} else {
// We don't use ret.Total to calculate percent.
// see
ret.UsedPercent = (float64(ret.Used) / float64(ret.Used+ret.Free)) * 100.0
// if could not get InodesTotal, return empty
if ret.InodesTotal < ret.InodesFree {
return ret, nil
ret.InodesUsed = (ret.InodesTotal - ret.InodesFree)
if ret.InodesTotal == 0 {
ret.InodesUsedPercent = 0
} else {
ret.InodesUsedPercent = (float64(ret.InodesUsed) / float64(ret.InodesTotal)) * 100.0
return ret, nil
// Unescape escaped octal chars (like space 040, ampersand 046 and backslash 134) to their real value in fstab fields issue#555
func unescapeFstab(path string) string {
escaped, err := strconv.Unquote(`"` + path + `"`)
if err != nil {
return path
return escaped