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司芳源 facd46a4a5 Implement disk.GetDiskSerialNumber for Windows via WMI. Parameter should be drive letter, so it can be used in IOCountersStat. See last part of 7 years ago
cpu cpu: Check for error object 7 years ago
disk Implement disk.GetDiskSerialNumber for Windows via WMI. Parameter should be drive letter, so it can be used in IOCountersStat. See last part of 7 years ago
docker change to use CommandContext. 7 years ago
host host: Check for error object 7 years ago
internal/common change to use CommandContext. 7 years ago
load change to use CommandContext. 7 years ago
mem fix json tags 7 years ago
net net: Check for error object 7 years ago
process process: Check for error objects 7 years ago
.gitignore add nf_conntrack statistics to net_linux to query iptables/netfilter conntrack limits 9 years ago
LICENSE copied from golang LICENSE. 9 years ago
Makefile change to use CommandContext. 7 years ago
README.rst fix link 7 years ago
circle.yml add chown golang pkg dir. 8 years ago add which can concatinate multi-package coverage. 10 years ago
doc.go add doc.go as placeholder to top. 10 years ago start to use godefs to get C structs. 10 years ago JSON representation is renamed to fit Google JSON style, camelCase. 9 years ago
windows_memo.rst add windows implementation memo. 11 years ago


gopsutil: psutil for golang

.. image::

.. image::

.. image::

This is a port of psutil ( The challenge is porting all
psutil functions on some architectures.

Breaking Changes! golang 1.8 is required

After v2.17.04, golang 1.8 is required to build.

Tag semantics

gopsutil tag policy is almost same as Semantic Versioning, but automatically increase like Ubuntu versioning.

for example, `v2.17.04` means

- v2: major version
- 17: release year, 2017
- 04: release month

gopsutil aims to keep backwards-compatiblity until major version change.

Taged at every end of month, but there are only a few commits, it can be skipped.

Available Architectures

- FreeBSD i386/amd64/arm
- Linux i386/amd64/arm(raspberry pi)
- Windows/amd64
- Darwin i386/amd64
- OpenBSD amd64 (Thank you @mpfz0r!)
- Solaris amd64 (developed and tested on SmartOS/Illumos, Thank you @jen20!)

All works are implemented without cgo by porting c struct to golang struct.


Note: gopsutil v2 breaks compatibility. If you want to stay with compatibility, please use v1 branch and vendoring.

.. code:: go

   package main

   import (


   func main() {
       v, _ := mem.VirtualMemory()

       // almost every return value is a struct
       fmt.Printf("Total: %v, Free:%v, UsedPercent:%f%%\n", v.Total, v.Free, v.UsedPercent)

       // convert to JSON. String() is also implemented

The output is below.


  Total: 3179569152, Free:284233728, UsedPercent:84.508194%
  {"total":3179569152,"available":492572672,"used":2895335424,"usedPercent":84.50819439828305, (snip...)}

You can set an alternative location to :code:`/proc` by setting the :code:`HOST_PROC` environment variable.

You can set an alternative location to :code:`/sys` by setting the :code:`HOST_SYS` environment variable.

You can set an alternative location to :code:`/etc` by setting the :code:`HOST_ETC` environment variable.

You can set an alternative location to :code:`/var` by setting the :code:`HOST_VAR` environment variable.




- go1.7 or above is required.

More Info

Several methods have been added which are not present in psutil, but will provide useful information.

- host/HostInfo()  (linux)

  - Hostname
  - Uptime
  - Procs
  - OS                    (ex: "linux")
  - Platform              (ex: "ubuntu", "arch")
  - PlatformFamily        (ex: "debian")
  - PlatformVersion       (ex: "Ubuntu 13.10")
  - VirtualizationSystem  (ex: "LXC")
  - VirtualizationRole    (ex: "guest"/"host")

- IOCounters

  - Label (linux only)    The registered `device mapper name <>`_

- cpu/CPUInfo()  (linux, freebsd)

  - CPU          (ex: 0, 1, ...)
  - VendorID     (ex: "GenuineIntel")
  - Family
  - Model
  - Stepping
  - PhysicalID
  - CoreID
  - Cores        (ex: 2)
  - ModelName    (ex: "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2640M CPU @ 2.80GHz")
  - Mhz
  - CacheSize
  - Flags        (ex: "fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 ...")
  - Microcode

- load/LoadAvg()  (linux, freebsd)

  - Load1
  - Load5
  - Load15

- docker/GetDockerIDList() (linux only)

  - container id list ([]string)

- docker/CgroupCPU() (linux only)

  - user
  - system

- docker/CgroupMem() (linux only)

  - various status

- net_protocols (linux only)

  - system wide stats on network protocols (i.e IP, TCP, UDP, etc.)
  - sourced from /proc/net/snmp

- iptables nf_conntrack (linux only)

  - system wide stats on netfilter conntrack module
  - sourced from /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_count

Some codes are ported from Ohai. many thanks.

Current Status

- x: work
- b: almost works, but something is broken

=================== ====== ======= ======= ====== ======= =======
name                Linux  FreeBSD OpenBSD MacOSX Windows Solaris
cpu_times             x      x       x       x       x
cpu_count             x      x       x       x       x
cpu_percent           x      x       x       x       x
cpu_times_percent     x      x       x       x       x
virtual_memory        x      x       x       x       x       b
swap_memory           x      x       x       x
disk_partitions       x      x       x       x       x
disk_io_counters      x      x       x
disk_usage            x      x       x       x       x
net_io_counters       x      x       x       b       x
boot_time             x      x       x       x       x
users                 x      x       x       x       x
pids                  x      x       x       x       x
pid_exists            x      x       x       x       x
net_connections       x              x       x
net_protocols         x
netfilter_conntrack   x
=================== ====== ======= ======= ====== =======

Process class

================ ===== ======= ======= ====== =======
name             Linux FreeBSD OpenBSD MacOSX Windows
pid                 x     x      x       x       x
ppid                x     x      x       x       x
name                x     x      x       x       x
cmdline             x     x              x       x
create_time         x                    x
status              x     x      x       x
cwd                 x
exe                 x     x      x               x
uids                x     x      x       x
gids                x     x      x       x
terminal            x     x      x       x
io_counters         x     x      x               x
nice                x     x      x       x       x
num_fds             x
num_ctx_switches    x
num_threads         x     x      x       x       x
cpu_times           x                            x
memory_info         x     x      x       x       x
memory_info_ex      x
memory_maps         x
open_files          x
send_signal         x     x      x       x
suspend             x     x      x       x
resume              x     x      x       x
terminate           x     x      x       x       x
kill                x     x      x       x
username            x     x      x       x       x
rlimit              x
threads             x
cpu_percent         x            x       x
parent              x            x       x       x
children            x     x      x       x       x
connections         x            x       x
================ ===== ======= ======= ====== =======

Original Metrics

================== ===== ======= ======= ====== ======= =======
item               Linux FreeBSD OpenBSD MacOSX Windows Solaris
hostname              x     x      x       x       x       x
  uptime              x     x      x       x               x
  proces              x     x      x                       x
  os                  x     x      x       x       x       x
  platform            x     x      x       x               x
  platformfamily      x     x      x       x               x
  virtualization      x
  VendorID            x     x      x       x       x      x
  Family              x     x      x       x       x      x
  Model               x     x      x       x       x      x
  Stepping            x     x      x       x       x      x
  PhysicalID          x                                   x
  CoreID              x                                   x
  Cores               x                            x      x
  ModelName           x     x      x       x       x      x
  Microcode           x                                   x
  Load1               x     x      x       x
  Load5               x     x      x       x
  Load15              x     x      x       x
  container id        x     no     no      no      no
  user                x     no     no      no      no
  system              x     no     no      no      no
  various             x     no     no      no      no
================== ===== ======= ======= ====== ======= =======

- future work

  - process_iter
  - wait_procs
  - Process class

    - as_dict
    - wait


New BSD License (same as psutil)

Related Works

I have been influenced by the following great works:

- psutil:
- dstat:
- gosigar:
- goprocinfo:
- go-ps:
- ohai:
- bosun:
- mackerel:

How to Contribute

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
5. Create new Pull Request

My English is terrible, so documentation or correcting comments are also