@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ gopsutil: psutil for golang
This is a port of psutil (http://pythonhosted.org/psutil/). The challenge is porting all
This is a port of psutil (http://pythonhosted.org/psutil/). The challenge is porting all
psutil functions on some architectures...
psutil functions on some architectures...
.. highlights:: Package Structure Changed!
Package (a.k.a. directory) structure has been changed!! see `#24 <https://github.com/shirou/gopsutil/issues/24`_
Available Architectures
Available Architectures
@ -117,68 +122,105 @@ Some codes are ported from Ohai. many thanks.
Current Status
Current Status
- done
- x: work
- b: almost work but something broken
- cpu_times (linux, freebsd)
- cpu_count (linux, freebsd, windows)
================= ========= ========= =========== ====== =======
- virtual_memory (linux, freebsd, windows)
name Linux 686 Linux ARM FreeBSD 686 MacOSX Windows
- swap_memory (linux, freebsd)
cpu_times x x x x
- disk_partitions (linux, freebsd, windows)
cpu_count x x x x x
- disk_io_counters (linux)
cpu_percent x x x x x
- disk_usage (linux, freebsd, windows)
cpu_times_percent x x x x x
- net_io_counters (linux, freebsd, windows)
virtual_memory x x x x x
- boot_time (linux, freebsd, windows(but little broken))
swap_memory x x x x
- users (linux, freebsd)
disk_partitions x x x x
- pids (linux, freebsd)
disk_io_counters x x
- pid_exists (linux, freebsd)
disk_usage x x x x
- Process class
net_io_counters x x x x x
boot_time x x x x b
- pid (linux, freebsd, windows)
users x x x x x
- ppid (linux, freebsd, windows)
pids x x x x x
- name (linux)
pid_exists x x x x x
- cmdline (linux)
- create_time (linux)
================= ========= ========= =========== ====== =======
- status (linux)
- cwd (linux)
Process class
- exe (linux, freebsd, windows)
- uids (linux, freebsd)
- gids (linux, freebsd)
================ ========= ========= =========== ====== =======
- terminal (linux, freebsd)
name Linux 686 Linux ARM FreeBSD 686 MacOSX Windows
- io_counters (linux)
pid x x x x x
- nice (linux)
ppid x x x x x
- num_fds (linux)
name x x x x
- num_ctx_switches (linux)
cmdline x x
- num_threads (linux, freebsd, windows)
create_time x x
- cpu_times (linux)
status x x x x
- memory_info (linux, freebsd)
cwd x x
- memory_info_ex (linux)
exe x x x x
- memory_maps() (linux)
uids x x x x
- open_files (linux)
gids x x x x
- send_signal (linux, freebsd)
terminal x x x x
- suspend (linux, freebsd)
io_counters x x
- resume (linux, freebsd)
nice x x
- terminate (linux, freebsd)
num_fds x x
- kill (linux, freebsd)
num_ctx_switches x x
num_threads x x x x
- not yet
cpu_times x x
memory_info x x x x
- cpu_percent
memory_info_ex x x
- cpu_times_percent
memory_maps x x
- net_connections
open_files x x
- Process class
send_signal x x x x
suspend x x x x
- username
resume x x x x
- ionice
terminate x x x x
- rlimit
kill x x x x
- num_handlers
username x x x x
- threads
- cpu_percent
- cpu_affinity
- memory_percent
- children
- connections
- is_running
================ ========= ========= =========== ====== =======
Original Metrics
================== ========= ========= =========== ====== =======
item Linux 686 Linux ARM FreeBSD 686 MacOSX Windows
hostname x x x
uptime x x x
proces x x x
os x x x x x
platform x x x
platformfamiliy x x x
virtualization x x
VendorID x x
Family x x
Model x x
Stepping x x
PhysicalID x x
CoreID x x
Cores x x
ModelName x x
Load1 x x x
Load5 x x x
Load15 x x x
container id x x
user x x
system x x
various x x
================== ========= ========= =========== ====== =======
- future work
- future work