@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ import (
var (
procGetActiveProcessorCount = common . Modkernel32 . NewProc ( "GetActiveProcessorCount" )
procGetNativeSystemInfo = common . Modkernel32 . NewProc ( "GetNativeSystemInfo" )
type Win32_Processor struct {
LoadPercentage * uint16
Family uint16
@ -201,6 +206,40 @@ func perfInfo() ([]win32_SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation, error) {
return resultBuffer , nil
// SystemInfo is an equivalent representation of SYSTEM_INFO in the Windows API.
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724958%28VS.85%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
// https://github.com/elastic/go-windows/blob/bb1581babc04d5cb29a2bfa7a9ac6781c730c8dd/kernel32.go#L43
type systemInfo struct {
wProcessorArchitecture uint16
wReserved uint16
dwPageSize uint32
lpMinimumApplicationAddress uintptr
lpMaximumApplicationAddress uintptr
dwActiveProcessorMask uintptr
dwNumberOfProcessors uint32
dwProcessorType uint32
dwAllocationGranularity uint32
wProcessorLevel uint16
wProcessorRevision uint16
func CountsWithContext ( ctx context . Context , logical bool ) ( int , error ) {
if logical {
// https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/blob/d01a9eaa35a8aadf6c519839e987a49d8be2d891/psutil/_psutil_windows.c#L97
err := procGetActiveProcessorCount . Find ( )
if err == nil { // Win7+
ret , _ , _ := procGetActiveProcessorCount . Call ( uintptr ( 0xffff ) ) // ALL_PROCESSOR_GROUPS is 0xffff according to Rust's winapi lib https://docs.rs/winapi/*/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/src/winapi/shared/ntdef.rs.html#120
if ret != 0 {
return int ( ret ) , nil
var systemInfo systemInfo
_ , _ , err = procGetNativeSystemInfo . Call ( uintptr ( unsafe . Pointer ( & systemInfo ) ) )
if systemInfo . dwNumberOfProcessors == 0 {
return 0 , err
return int ( systemInfo . dwNumberOfProcessors ) , nil
// physical cores https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/blob/d01a9eaa35a8aadf6c519839e987a49d8be2d891/psutil/_psutil_windows.c#L499
return runtime . NumCPU ( ) , nil